The Results Are In!
DeSales 2022 Community Survey
Over the summer of 2022, DeSales Community Development launched a survey in order to understand how the residents of Fox Park, Tower Grove East, and Benton Park West view their neighborhoods.
The survey is now closed. Thank you to our neighbors for your participation! Stay tuned for results and opportunities to learn more soon.
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In May through October 2022, Fox Park, Tower Grove East, and Benton Park West residents were invited to take a community survey sponsored by DeSales Community Development. The purpose of this survey was to receive feedback and understand how residents view their neighborhood, measure the progress of the neighborhood through collecting baseline information, and inform DeSales’ strategic goals and mission moving forward.
Thank you for your time and participation over the summer and stay tuned for updates over the next few months as we analyze and share back the data! Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.
DeSales Community Development is a community-based non-profit that serves the Fox Park, Tower Grove East, and Benton Park West neighborhoods in St. Louis. DeSales' mission is to promote the ongoing growth of neighborhoods as healthy, diverse urban communities with quality housing. DeSales works to carry out this mission through developing and providing affordable housing, offering social services and resource navigation to residents, and organizing recreational activities for the kids and families in the neighborhood.
This survey asks about a wide range of topics that are important to quality of life and neighborhood-based issues. Some of these topic areas (i.e. public safety, trash, etc.) are outside the scope of DeSales work around affordable housing, recreation, and resource navigation. While we don’t hold influence or have the capacity to make a change in many of these topic areas, they are important to understand and could inform our future goals. We will take what is learned to not only inform ourselves, but the greater community through a report and other mechanisms. This data will distributed out to the community, partners, and other organizations who do work that is outside our scope. Stay tuned for a report and other engagement opportunities around what is learned!
Aprende Más
DeSales Community Development es una organización comunitaria sin fines de lucro que presta servicios a los vecindarios de Fox Park, Tower Grove East y Benton Park West enla ciudad de St. Louis. La misión de DeSales es promover el crecimiento continuo de los vecindarios como comunidades urbanas diversas y saludables con viviendas de calidad. DeSales trabaja para llevar a cabo esta misión mediante el desarrollo y la provisión de viviendas asequibles, ofreciendo servicios sociales, compartiendo información acerca de recursos disponibles a los residentes y organizando actividades recreativas para los niños, niñas y familias del vecindario.
Esta encuesta pregunta sobre una amplia gama de temas que son importantes para la calidad de vida de los residentes y los problemas relacionados con el vecindario. Algunas de estas áreas temáticas, como seguridad pública, basura, etc., están fuera del alcance del trabajo de DeSales. Si bien no tenemos influencia ni tenemos la capacidad de hacer un cambio en muchas de estas áreas temáticas, es importante entenderlas ya que podrían informar nuestro trabajo a futuro. Tomaremos la información que arroje esta encuesta no sólo para los fines de DeSales, sino para el beneficio de la comunidad en general a través de informes y otros documentos. Esta información se distribuirá también a la comunidad, socios y otras organizaciones que realizan trabajos que están fuera de nuestro alcance. Les mantendremos informados acerca del informe de esta encuesta y futuras oportunidades de participación.