2025 Update
Dear Friends of South Grand:
Over 3 years ago, DeSales Community Development, Tower Grove CDC, and South Grand CID joined together to address the unmaintained and overgrown landscaping in the 11 medians located on South Grand Blvd between Arsenal Avenue and Interstate 44. We successfully raised over $70,000, just $21,000 shy of completing our three-year commitment, and the appearance of the medians is greatly improved.
The maintenance included regular trash pickup, maintaining and improving the irrigation system, weeding, mulch, and pruning, among other activities. We are proud of our efforts to date but concede that more needs to be done to bring the medians to their full potential.
The medians are the gateway to our Southside neighborhoods and critically important to welcoming people to our homes and to our business districts. Unfortunately, our fundraising efforts have fallen significantly short of the amount of money needed to continue. To raise funds and awareness, we talked to neighborhood associations, reached out to our Alderwomen, and engaged local businesses and other not for profits in the area. Many donated to the cause. Further, we used the extended reach of a community resource guide (5,000 mailings) to showcase some before and after photos with a QR code to donate. It became apparent that our efforts to raise enough money to pay off the balance and possibly continue the work were not financially feasible.
When we met with stakeholders last year, the feedback was consistent and clear: avoid a concrete overlay or hard surface replacement. Instead, the hope was that funding sources could be identified and created to fund the project. One possibility would be expanding the South Grand CID north to Interstate 44 or even creating a new CID or Special Business District for that area. In past conversations the largest property owners in the proposed expanded district appeared disinterested in financially participating, and there was concern from the South Grand CID the required 51% of property owners threshold would not be met. Another option for funding would be a City-wide Proposition that would allocate funds towards the project.
Our current goal is to secure the remaining $21,000 to satisfy the total project cost. We are hoping to secure these funds as soon as possible and are working towards that end. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Rachel Witt, South Grand CID
Becky Reinhart, DeSales Community Development,
Sean Spencer, Tower Grove CDC
The South Grand Medians are the entrance to our historic neighborhoods, and their current appearance is unpleasant. They send the wrong message to people visiting our area to live, work, and play. The mission of Friends of South Grand is raise resources from the south city community to ensure there is regular, professional maintenance of our gateway boulevard.
February 11, 2022: Median cleanup has started! Help make sure we can keep the South Grand medians clean for years to come.
Friends of South Grand include:
DeSales Community Development
Tower Grove Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation
South Grand Community Improvement District
Alderwoman Christine Ingrassia
SSM Health
William A. Kerr Foundation
Alderwoman Annie Rice
City Property Company
Water Tower and Park Preservation Society
Tower Grove East Neighborhood Association
SF Shannon Real Estate
Tower Grove Heights Neighborhood Association
Compton Heights Neighborhood Association
Compton Hill Reservoir Square Neighborhood Association
Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association
Pizza Head
Commerce Bank