Keeping It Fresh and Clean
The South Grand Medians between I-44 and Arsenal are the entryway to the historic neighborhoods of Shaw, Compton Heights, Tower Grove Heights, Tower Grove South, and Tower Grove East. When they are free of weeds and debris, the South Grand Medians serve as the perfect welcome to our neighborhoods.
The South Grand Medians Before Maintenance
We need YOUR help to keep the South Grand Medians looking Fresh and Clean. DeSales and our friends at Tower Grove CDC, and the South Grand Community Improvement District are looking to raise $31,000 this year to weed, clear debris, and do some gardening in the spring to make the medians look better than ever.
Please chip in what you can and make the entrance to our neighborhoods a welcoming sight for all!
The South Grand Medians looking beautiful after some Spring Planting
Join this Group of Friends, Neighbors, and Business Who Made the Pledge to Keep the Medians Looking Fresh and Clean for Years to Come
DeSales Community Development
Tower Grove Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation
South Grand Community Improvement District
Tim Boyle
Tyler Olsen
Water Tower and Park Preservation Society
Compton Heights
Compton Hill Reservoir Square
Becky Reinhart
Tamara Hershey
Hannah Reinhart
Tower Grove East Neighborhood Association
Stephanie Herbers & James Dudley
Emma Klues
Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association
Brian Sullivan
Jeffrey Mudd
Catherine Betz
Commerce Bank
SF Shannon Real Estate
Terry Lay
Randy and Lorena Ingmire
Nathan & Severyn Jarman
Ralph Noyes
Tower Grove Heights Neighborhood Association
Stephens-Santanello Family
Nick Schmitt
Karen Norman
If you’d like to make a three-year commitment please complete THIS FORM.