3314-16 Sidney
DeSales worked with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, a key Vacancy Collaborative partner, to obtain possession of this long-vacant Tower Grove East 4-family. DeSales is now responsible for seeing that the property’s numerous code violations are abated, after which the organization may obtain title to the property and can work to ensure the property’s responsible redevelopment.
May 2022 Update:
DeSales is happy to share that it has dropped its lawsuit against the owner of 3314-16 Sidney in Tower Grove East. The owner is selling the property to Matador Properties, LLC. Matador Properties has signed an agreement with DeSales to responsibly rehab the property and redevelop it as a multifamily rental building. Matador Properties will be working with local contractor Gateway in Green to renovate the long-vacant building.
DeSales filed its lawsuit with support from Legal Services of Eastern Missouri against the owner of the property in early 2020, after it had been vacant for over a decade, and brought to Desales’ attention by neighbors. Initially, DeSales held the owner accountable to make repairs on the property, but after he was unable to do that, he decided to sell, instead. DeSales worked hard to ensure the property was sold to a responsible developer. DeSales is excited to see this property finally return to what it once was!